• 15 Executive Drive, Suite 6, Fairview Heights, IL 62208
Pass Security Blog

How to Hire the Right Security Company for Your Business

Hiring the best video surveillance security company in the St. Louis area to design and install a security system that is scalable and meets your needs is a process of elimination and proper vetting. This is an important decision, not all security companies are equal. Some contract out their installations (don’t go there), others are more concerned with profit that quality service (don’t go there either), while some insist upon using outdated equipment to save a bucks (definitely don’t go there).

So, what considerations go into making this decision?

Hiring the Best Video Camera Surveillance & Access Control Security Company

Let’s explore the first big question: “Which video surveillance camera, burglar alarm and access control company should I hire?”

The strategy is the same here as with making other purchases, though this one requires some extra vetting on your part. Remember, Caveat Emptor (let the buyer beware) should be your motto for this mission.

  • Ask fellow business owners or colleagues for a referral. This is a great first step, but not the last.
  • Check reviews. If you to take the time to review vacuum cleaners or hiking boots, you might want to take a few extra minutes to search reviews for the best security company near you. That may be difficult to determine, but it’s important to find a security company with years of experience in the field and with great reviews. They don’t have to have all 5-Star reviews but see what the chatter about this company is positive.
  • Visit the security company’s website. This can be telling for a number of reasons. As with any website, what is your first impression? Is their presentation professional? Do they address your specific needs? Do they explain their process, products and services? Are they easy to contact? Do they seem receptive?

Ask Your New Security Company the Right Questions

So now you’ve narrowed your search to one or two security companies, it’s time to call the company directly and ask questions. Remember, you are the customer, you are in the driver’s seat.

What questions do you ask your new security provider?

  1. How long have they been doing commercial security work in your area?
  2. Do they have a Better Business Bureau rating?
  3. Are they affiliated with quality related professional organizations?
  4. How many commercial business customers do they currently serve?
  5. Who are some of their business clients? Do you recognize any of them? If they are a legitimate player in the security industry, they will have clients you recognize and be familiar with.

Next Steps

You’re almost there. Here are a few final steps to take before you sign the contract.

  • Schedule an appointment to have a security expert visit your business and talk you through the process and then give you a quote. They should be happy to do this. If this is too much trouble for them, move on to your next candidate.
  • Do they understand your needs? Have they served businesses like yours before? Do they seem receptive and helpful? The relationship you have with your business security provider is built on trust and your confidence in their knowledge of the industry. Again, trust your instincts.
  • Are they installing the system themselves or do they contract out to a third party. You want a security company that does their own security system design and installations so you have someone to contact directly if there is an issue or when you have a question.
  • What equipment do they use? Are these known brands in the field?
  • Pull the trigger. By now you should have all the information you need to hire the best, or at least the right security company to help protect your business and you should feel comfortable with your decision.

Hiring a security company is an important decision, don’t take it lightly, follow these simple steps and you should be in good hands. Good luck and stay safe!

Read this informative article on how to keep people from entering your business who don’t work there.

Salto Access Control from PASS Security

Contact us today if you would like a FREE consultation for a security system for your business. 314-241-0422 or 618-394-1144 or Email Us.

Founded in 1969, PASS Security is headquartered in St. Louis, MO. and Fairview Heights, IL. We are a full-service electronic security systems integrator providing expertise in intrusion detection, video surveillanceaccess control systemsLIVE video monitoring for businesses, large commercial and enterprise operations. PASS also serves the residential sector with innovative SMART home automation products and services. We provide our customers with system design, engineering, installation, maintenance and monitoring services through our 24/7 local UL Listed Central Monitoring Station.



Additional Business Security Solutions We Offer

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Hosted and Managed Cloud Security Services
Integrated Physical Security Systems for Businesses
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Industries We Protect

We understand that each industry and business is unique. This is why we take the time to meet with our customers face to face, discuss their security concerns and conduct a site evaluation. Security technology is constantly evolving and improving, so communicating to you the benefits and options of different security components is critical. We are more than your business security provider, we are your security partner.

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