• 15 Executive Drive, Suite 6, Fairview Heights, IL 62208
Pass Security Blog

ESSER Funding for School Security

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and measures taken to safeguard the nation’s K-12 schools, public and private, the federal government passed three relief packages in the form of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) fund.

Since, government legislation has provided more than $193 billion in aid to state education agencies (SEAs), which have been directed to sub-award 87.5-90% to public school districts. Additionally, state governors have at their discretion $9.7 billion in support of private schools. This is part of the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER).


ESSER Funding table 2

Video Surveillance Cameras for Contact Tracing at Schools

By using video surveillance cameras and Appearance Search analytics software, schools are now able to perform their own contract tracing if they believe a contaminated individual has entered their schools. Linked to a series of fixed video surveillance cameras placed at strategic areas around the school campus, video analytics Appearance Search software enables school officials to track the movements of students, personnel and visitors who have been identified with COVID-like symptoms and what areas of the school they accessed, people they came in contact with and objects they may have touched (door handles, lockers, railings, etc.). This saves school officials from spending countless hours reviewing video footage searching for an individual, the system searches for them automatically and identifies the individual and their movements.

School officials can now achieve optimal situational awareness across the entire school campus and create a powerful case detailing the chain-of-events associated with the infected person’s whereabouts. Learn more about our commitment to St. Louis school safety.

Panic Buttons for School Offices and Classrooms

How will St. Louis and Metro East area schools respond to elevated incidents of student aggression and violence? The pandemic’s “hidden” affect on students can be partially measured by their disruption in learning, physical isolation, disengagement from their peers, and exposure to trauma, all having had negative affects on students’ metal health and social behavior.

Many of these same students have lost access to much needed mental health services due to the pandemic and consequently it is almost certain, according to the U.S. Department of Education, “that some students in every school will require support to address the isolation, anxiety, and trauma they have experienced.”

While schools address and support students’ social, emotional and mental health needs, it’s just as imperative to protect teachers and staff from potential harm and dangerous situations in the advent violent scenarios to develop. Experts warn that we will see an increase in violent behavior as schools reopen and as students return to the classroom. Students experiencing long-term emotional, behavioral and psychological effects from the pandemic may act out defiantly and with aggression.

In response to these potential situations, teachers and staff need a system to safeguard themselves, staff and students. The use of Panic Buttons in classrooms and offices is the perfect solution, giving schools the ability to immediately alert security personnel or the local police department of imminent danger.

Using Thermal Screening Camera Technology for Fever Detection

According to the World Health Organization, fever is one of the most common symptoms of COVID-19, and implementing a rapid-fever screening procedure is anvideo surveillance security camera in school hallway effective way to protect students and personnel.

Public and health safety guidelines need to be followed in order to keep students and staff safe during their return to school and they need to be able to quickly identify individuals who may be exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 so they can respond appropriately in order to limit the spread of transmissions.

Our Thermal Elevated Temperature Detection camera uses advanced analytics to detect faces, measure the temperature of the inner canthus region and notify operators or personnel if an individual is exhibiting symptoms of elevated body temperature. Powerful analytics search tools enable someone to quickly search through recorded video for elevated temperature events, so appropriate action can be taken immediately.

Establishing a Plan and Strategy

Have we beaten COVID-19? No, we are not out of the woods yet. And new evolving COVID variants now plague a hard fought recovery and could even trigger reinstating “stay-at-home” measures and extended mask wearing.

It is imperative as we enter the 2021-2022 school year that critical safety measures are put into place, outlined by the CDC. And a strategic security plan needs to be at the core of this process. PASS Security is here to help your schools outline and implement such a plan.

Contact us today if you would like a FREE consultation for implementing a COVID-19 response security plan for your school. 314-241-0422 or 618-394-1144 or Email Us.

Founded in 1969, PASS Security is headquartered in St. Louis, MO. and Fairview Heights, IL. We are a full-service electronic security systems integrator providing expertise in intrusion detection, video surveillanceaccess control systemsLIVE video monitoring for businesses, large commercial and enterprise operations. PASS also serves the residential sector with innovative SMART home automation products and services. We provide our customers with system design, engineering, installation, maintenance and monitoring services through our 24/7 local UL Listed Central Monitoring Station.


Additional Business Security Solutions We Offer

Commercial Video Surveillance Security Camera Mounted on Business
Security Guard Viewing Surveillance Video on Screen at Alarm Monitoring Center in St Louis
Burglar with Flashlight Breaking Glass at a Business
Hosted and Managed Cloud Security Services
Integrated Physical Security Systems for Businesses
Employee Using Swipe Card Credential on Business Access Control Security System Card Reader

Industries We Protect

We understand that each industry and business is unique. This is why we take the time to meet with our customers face to face, discuss their security concerns and conduct a site evaluation. Security technology is constantly evolving and improving, so communicating to you the benefits and options of different security components is critical. We are more than your business security provider, we are your security partner.

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