• 15 Executive Drive, Suite 6, Fairview Heights, IL 62208
Pass Security Blog

Augment Security Guards with Electronic Security Technology

Security guards can’t be everywhere at once. They need support.

We received a phone call from a longtime commercial business client of ours in the St. Louis area who has more than 400,000 sq. ft. of indoor and outdoor property he secures with both physical security guards and an integrated security system, which we designed and installed, consisting of Access Control for exterior entry points and interior doors, along with a Monitored Video Surveillance Camera system.

He contacted us because he recently purchased the commercial property adjacent to his business and was in the process of constructing a new warehouse facility. He needed to add surveillance cameras and expand his access control system, and integrate them both. He considered adding an additional security guard to patrol the new area and facility but after comparing the monthly cost of a security guard to adding security cameras and expanding the facility’s access control system, the cost for added electronic security was more cost effective. That’s when he called us.

This is not an uncommon scenario. We hear this often from our commercial clients when they scale up their businesses. As businesses physically grow the need for additional security becomes a reality, business owners need to re-evaluate options—should they hire more security guards to patrol the site or add to their electronic security system arsenal in support of their existing security guard staff?

Security guards can be an essential component of any comprehensive security plan, they can fill a critical void, but security guards don’t come cheap. Ranging from $12.00-$25.00 an hour, higher for specially trained and experienced off-duty police officers, the cost of hiring additional security personnel quickly becomes an expensive proposition. Especially since security guards cannot be in all places at once, which means that 80-90% of the property is unsurveillanced much of he time. Easy opportunity for criminals.

Access Control Systems

Access Control systems, or keyless entry security systems, are the starting point for any business with a large physical footprint. Whether gaining entry by using a swipe card, key fob or mobile device, an access control system gives the business owner total control over who has “access” to the building(s) and property, and who does not. Also, which areas of the building they have access to and which are off limits – sensitive information storage areas, the executive gym.

Remote Video Surveillance Monitoring

security guard monitoring video screenLet’s talk video surveillance camera systems. Who is watching your video feed? Don’t tell me you’re not doing a live feed but relying on recorded video?!

Recorded video is great, that way you have retrievable footage in the event of a break-in, if your property is vandalized, or valuable inventory, equipment and vehicles are stolen.

But wouldn’t you sleep better knowing your business property was being monitored LIVE, 24/7, by trained security personnel who can visually identify, and verify, an intruder on your property and then immediately notify police? As opposed to watching hours of day-old video after the crime has occurred and you’re left holding your phone in your hand with nothing to do but call your insurance company to file a claim.

Also, did you know that police respond quicker to security alarm notifications if that incident has already been verified visually by security personnel at a security monitoring station?

Our Advice? Cover You’re A**

Don’t fire your security guards…yet, but the reality is they can’t be everywhere at once, unlike video surveillance cameras, and they aren’t getting any cheaper.

Before you beef up your security guard staff, give some serious thought to updating your current Access Control and Video Surveillance Camera system, possibly add more cameras to strategic “blind spots.” The more eyes, the fewer intruders.

Now that your mind is made up, there is no need to thumb through the Yellow Pages (are they still around?) under “Video Cameras for Businesses” or “Video Camera Surveillance,” call us today instead to schedule a complementary site visit to evaluate your current security system. We cover everything, end to end, from security system design to Security Camera and Access Control installation, to ongoing maintenance and updates.

Check Out These Articles on Video Surveillance and Access Control for Businesses

Best Business Video Surveillance System

PASS Security Introduces ELECTRONIC GUARD Outdoor Business Security Surveillance

Contact us today if you would like a FREE consultation on a video surveillance system for your business. 314-241-0422 or 618-394-1144 or Email Us.

Founded in 1969, PASS Security is headquartered in St. Louis, MO. and Fairview Heights, IL. We are a full-service electronic security systems integrator providing expertise in intrusion detection, video surveillanceaccess control systemsLIVE video monitoring for businesses, large commercial and enterprise operations. PASS also serves the residential sector with innovative SMART home automation products and services. We provide our customers with system design, engineering, installation, maintenance and monitoring services through our 24/7 local UL Listed Central Monitoring Station.

Additional Business Security Solutions We Offer

Commercial Video Surveillance Security Camera Mounted on Business
Security Guard Viewing Surveillance Video on Screen at Alarm Monitoring Center in St Louis
Burglar with Flashlight Breaking Glass at a Business
Hosted and Managed Cloud Security Services
Integrated Physical Security Systems for Businesses
Employee Using Swipe Card Credential on Business Access Control Security System Card Reader

Industries We Protect

We understand that each industry and business is unique. This is why we take the time to meet with our customers face to face, discuss their security concerns and conduct a site evaluation. Security technology is constantly evolving and improving, so communicating to you the benefits and options of different security components is critical. We are more than your business security provider, we are your security partner.

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